I’ve always been passionate about health and wellness. In my adolescence, this was reflected in my sports – volleyball, gymnastics, cheerleading, softball; the list goes on. After I got to college and all my sports stopped, I became invested in weightlifting and competing in bodybuilding, but I always felt something was missing; I never walked away with an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction.

Fast forward to September 2019, I took my first class at the studio and immediately I was hooked. While physically, the rush after a big push and massive release of endorphins was everything I chased, my emotional investment is what has kept me coming and pushed me further. The studio quickly became something I truly loved. Those 45 minutes to unplug and clip in have become my haven.

Walking into every class, I aim to create an environment of zero judgment, where you feel supported and safe. My promise is to challenge you, but in a way that meets you where you are and gives you what you need.