The original rhythm ride at JR. This class keeps the roots of rhythm riding, while adding a combination of fast and slow, light and heavy… implementing upper body choreographed movements making cardio fun. Some riders choose to hit all the movements being cued by the instructor, while others choose to eliminate choreography and just focus on the beat…
A class for beginners and advanced riders; a balance of endurance, choreography and weights.
45-minutes of work, PLUS a little stretch. Total class time between 48-50 minutes.
It’s crunch time and we are IN AND OUT! A class focused on endurance and calories burned.
This 30-minute class will have you sweating in no time, leaving plenty of time to get back to your day!
30-minutes of work, PLUS a little stretch. Total class time between 33-35 minutes.
Double X Beats because there are no limits and no rules. Be ready to bring your ‘A’ game, your water and lets get to WORK! This class will challenge seasoned riders with more advanced choreography, heavy hills, and fast sprints. Each class may feel a little bit different to keep you on your toes.
We welcome all fitness levels to this class and scaling back as needed for YOU!
From our founder, the classic “Death by Beth” class. A 60-minute workout that very well might be 70-minutes on some days.
60-minutes of work, PLUS a little stretch. Total class time between 65-70 minutes.
A class for all levels; the new, the seasoned, the strong and the weary. We will cut out the distractions, and bring this ride back to its roots to build a solid foundation. An opportunity to dig into yourself, come as you are, and better your mind, body and soul.
The “bridge” is a small section of a song, and oftentimes it is skipped. Without it, a piece of the song feels like it’s missing. The bridge is a moment of calm after chaos. A chance to reset while still working, and a moment to gain perspective and excitement before digging deep and getting back to the hustle and grind of our other classes at Just Reign. The Bridge is the core foundation you need to become exactly what we are about… pushing your limits, despite the challenges life will inevitably bring you.
Connect the dots. Fill in the blanks. Fill your soul. Clear your mind. Your body will thank you. The Bridge.
45-minutes of work, PLUS a little stretch. Total Class time between 48-50 minutes.

Just Ride classes may contain music with explicit lyrics.